Money Crashers Seeking Work-at-Home Personal Finance Editor

Money Crashers is seeking a work-at-home personal finance editor! Hours are flexible.  You will be responsible for "finalizing" five or more articles per day, as well as participating in public relations efforts.  This includes proofreading, formatting, and keyword optimization. The ideal candidate will have the following (from job listing): Have excellent writing and editing skills Have … [Read more...]

Work at Home Freelance Finance Writers with Money Crashers

Money Crashers, a popular personal finance site, is seeking freelance writers to contribute on such subjects as investing, retirement planning, tax preparation, credit, debt, real estate, and more. You must either have direct on-the-job experience in an area of personal finance or advanced education or certification.  The expected contribution is 4 to 8 articles per month of 800 to 1,500 words. … [Read more...]

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