LDS Hiring Home-Based English Conversation Coaches

*This post may contain affiliate links. I only share opportunities that I truly believe will benefit my readers. Disclosure.


Language Development Systems is hiring home-based English conversation coaches in the U.S. Shifts typically are 5-8 AM, 8-11 AM, 5-8 PM EST. Pay is per ten-minute lesson. Compensation per hour is generally $12 to $14.

According to the employment listing, “VLE/LDS is an American based business that has been operating for over eight years connecting native speakers of American-English with students and professionals in South Korea.”

Requirements (from work-at-home job listing):

A 4-year college degree
A teaching degree or English degree (preferred, but not required)
Past teaching experience (preferred, but not required)
Familiarity with software tools such as MS Office and Internet Explorer
A standard American-English accent (native English speaker) and knowledge of English grammar

All training and software will be provided by the company for free. When you’ve completed your training, you will be given a 12-month renewable contract.

If interested in this telecommute opportunity, please visit the original home-based employment listing. Good luck!