Aquilla is seeking work-at-home customer service agents in all U.S. states, EXCEPT California, Connecticut, Maryland, or Massachusetts. These are Arise subcontracting positions. You must have excellent communication and customer care abilities, as well as the ability to meet goals. You will be provided all necessary training and one-on-one support. Hours are not set. You can work whenever … [Read more...]
Work at Home: Customer Service Jobs with Aquilla
May 7, 2012 By
Aquilla is seeking multiple work-at-home customer service professionals in the Tampa, FL area. This company appears to be an Arise LLC, and is hiring subcontractors. These positions are 100% web-based. You will be provided mentoring, step-by-step guidance, and support. Hours are not set. You work when you are available. You must have excellent communication abilities and telephone customer … [Read more...]