It helps to have an hourly wage to annual salary calculator to help you reach your income goals! When you work from home as a freelancer, it’s sometimes difficult to know what to charge for your services.
If you have an idea of the annual salary you need, you can then calculate what you need to make per hour to reach your desired salary.
For instance, say you need to make around $31,000 per year to cover your bills, expenses, and savings goals. You’ll need to bring in $15 an hour to reach that annual salary, and therefore, if you’re doing a three-hour freelance project, you’ll need to charge a minimum of $45 for your services.
If you’re working less than 40 hours per week, five days a week, you’ll need to charge more per hour.
Use the handy hourly wage to annual salary calculator below to determine how much you need to charge to reach your goals!
Looking for other work at home resources? Be sure to check out our Work at Home Resources.
If you’d like to train online for a home-based career, make sure to read 10 Legit and Affordable Online Courses to Prepare You for a Work at Home Career.
If you’re looking for a work at home job, be sure to check out our Fresh Work at Home Job Leads
page for the latest home-based job opportunities!
If you’re thinking about starting a home business, then see our Home Business Ideas page for inspiration!
If you’re just looking to bring in some extra cash, then Extra Cash it is!
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