Start a LuLaRoe Home Business: Interview with Kristina Schenk

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The LuLaRoe Home Business Opportunity!

LuLaRoe clothing is all the rage right now. Everyone’s talking about it, and everyone’s talking about what a great home business it is for moms!

I was so excited to interview Kristina Schenk this week about the LuLaRoe home biz opportunity!

If you’re not familiar with LuLaRoe, here’s a quick video of the company’s Summer 2016 clothing line. The clothes are unique, colorful, made from quality fabrics, affordable, and fun!

Interview with Kristina:

Share a little about yourself and how you got involved with LuLaRoe.

I am an optimist by nature who loves the outdoors and spending quality time with family! My husband Derrick and I live in sunny Fountain Hills, Arizona. I was first introduced to LLR by a friend of mine who invited me to “like” his wife’s business page on Facebook. I was instantly amazed at the amount of interest in the product and success she was having and wanted to know more. I was drawn to the opportunity to contribute to my family financially, while also having the freedom to stay at home and pursue my dreams. My husband is very good with people, and he loved the idea of training a team and working alongside me to help other women succeed and live their dreams! It has been a great fit for us, and is surpassing my expectations every day!

What do you enjoy about your LuLaRoe home business? What makes it a unique home business opportunity?

I enjoy the flexibility it offers. I work my own hours and make my own schedule. I also enjoy that I get to be a part of boosting women’s self esteem. Something as simple as having them try on a dress that makes them feel beautiful and comfortable in their own skin is very rewarding! There are quite a few things that make LuLaRoe a unique home business opportunity; my favorite is that I don’t feel like I have to be a salesperson. I feel confident enough to wear the clothing as advertisement and not have to perform a pitch or sit and thumb though a catalog. I get to have a great time doing lives sales, talking girl talk, while showing off these amazing pieces to beautiful women.

How much does it cost to get started with LuLaRoe?

The cost is around $5500 to start, depending on which styles you carry. The cost is for your initial inventory and your start up kit. With LuLaRoe, you own your own business. The average time it is taking new consultants to earn the investment back is 1 to 3 months. If I asked you if I could borrow $500 dollars, most people would say they don’t have that money on hand, but what if I asked for $500 and handed you the keys to a brand new Porsche? You would find a way to get that $500! LuLaRoe is that kind of opportunity! It is a big investment, but I love that, because you own the product and you have to be serious about it to sell it!

How do you find customers?

Derrick and I have been able to find customers mainly through social media. Also though networking, making connections with people we meet, and talking to friends and family. All women wear clothing, so when I wear my LuLaRoe out, I am a walking advertisement. Women see the beautiful styles and prints and are quick to ask about how they can get them. LuLaRoe already has a reputation for having beautiful, quality, comfortable clothing so the ladies who are already familiar with the brand are always looking for consultants to shop with. I try to share enthusiasm about LuLaRoe with people I meet, and they are drawn to me because of it. If you can share a small piece of who you are and why you do what you do, people will want to buy from you and support you!

Does the company help you with advertising, a website, or marketing materials?

The company has a professional photographer, a social media trainer, as well as a graphic designer on staff. You never have to make your own advertising materials. They provide weekly webinars and trainings on various topics, including advertisement, marketing, and learning to grow your business. They also provide a full online back office that has everything you need, from training videos to promotional items, inventory ordering, and customer invoicing.

What is a realistic income someone can anticipate making with a LuLaRoe Home Business?

It really depends on how much time you commit to putting into working your business. The average income is $2000 a month minimum. Derrick and I personally earned back the initial investment (about $5500) within the first month of business. Since then, we have averaged around $6000 per month, until about the middle of September, when our sales jumped because we decided to put more time into working. I have really connected to our customers and have built that relationship with them, and now I am making about $2500 a week in sales! This is an amazing blessing and is paving the way to my dream of financial freedom.

On average, how many hours per week do you spend on your home business?

20 to 30 hours a week. This business is very doable, even for those who have other obligations, full time jobs, or have kids. Not to say that it is instant success; but if you are willing to commit your time and effort into it, you will see results in a surprisingly short amount of time. One woman on my team has 5 children, and she makes more than double what we do. This is a truly unique business opportunity, and your time is your own!

Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in a LuLaRoe home business?

My best advice is to be true to yourself and to find your “why”. Why are you looking into working from home or starting a different job? Do you want to pay off bills or pay the mortgage? Do want to contribute financially? Make a car payment? Pay for a date night? If you are willing to make a few small sacrifices and put in a little hard work, these dreams are attainable, and you will find yourself exceeding these goals and dreaming for things you never dared to dream for.

Please feel free to reach out to myself or my husband Derrick at any time if you would like more information on this amazing opportunity. Kristina Schenk or

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