I frequently post freelance writing opportunities here on Work at Home Mom Revolution. If you’re not an experienced writer, you may not even read them. You may be thinking, “I don’t have writing experience. I can’t get a freelance writing job.”
But I’m here to tell you – this is not true. Even though you may never have made a dime from your writing, you can still learn the skill of freelance writing and make a good living as a freelance writer.
With the expansion of the Internet, website owners consistently have a need for one thing: new content. And you can provide this content! Writing for profit is something you can actually learn, and it can be quite lucrative!
Gina Horkey, of Horkey Handbook fame, offers a self-paced course for newbies that will have you up and running and making money from your writing fast!
“30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success is ideal for brand new freelancers. It’s for people that want to make money freelance writing and are willing to work hard to get a new web-based writing business off the ground inside of a month (or three).
“If you’ve been trying to build a successful freelance writing business for a bit and haven’t succeeded, this course might be right for you, too.” Gina Horkey
Since going full-time with her freelance writing business, Gina has been able to bring in as much as $20,000.00/month from home!
From Gina:
“The course is offered in a self-paced format that includes written lessons, videos, enhanced resources, quizzes and action steps. Each lesson is succinct and actionable, encouraging you to implement what you’ve learned immediately.”
30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success
course materials include enhanced resources such as: a sample independent contractor’s agreement, a pitching checklist, and a tracker.
Freelance writers are in high demand. If you’re willing to put in the work, you can have a successful freelance business up and running in a matter of months!
Best of all, you’ve got nothing to lose! Gina offers a 15-day money-back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied (for any reason).
ATTENTION: Gina is in the process of relaunching a new and enhanced freelance writing course as part of her Fully Booked VA program. Until then, these links point to the signup for Fully Booked VA. Sign up for the waitlist or take Gina’s Jumpstart VA program to be notified when the new freelance writing course is launched in January 2021!
Click Here: Learn How to Start
Your Own Lucrative Freelance Writing Business!