Work at Home Resource: Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day!

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I’m excited to share with you that my friend, Holly Reisem Hanna, publisher of the popular work at home website The Work at Home Woman, has written a book that will help you to manage your time, organize your life, and find more time for the things that really matter!

It’s Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day: Simple Strategies to Increase Productivity, Enhance Creativity, and Make Your Time Your Own, and it’s awesome!

From managing technology to setting goals to organizing priorities, it provides concrete, actionable steps that will help you take control of the chaos and take back your life!

Something in the book that I found super helpful was the section on decluttering your home and workspace. It’s an area I struggle with, and Holly’s book is filled with excellent tips and suggestions that I plan on implementing right away.

Of particular interest to moms and dads who work from home will be the section of the book on managing your work life when your office is at home. Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day is filled with clear steps you can take to avoid distractions, set priorities and goals, and be clear about what you need in your communication with others.

Because basically, as Hanna points out, time management is about focusing on accomplishing the tasks you need to get done and eliminating distractions, so there’s more time for the things that are really important to you – like your family!

I can’t say enough good things about Time Management in 20 Minutes a Day! The book even includes a time blocking chart that will help you act immediately to take control of your time!

If you’d like to read it yourself, it’s available on Amazon for Kindle and in paperback!
