Dictionary.com is seeking a work at home part-time freelance editor in the U.S. Hours for this home-based position are approximately 20 hours per week.
In this work at home role, you will be responsible for driving brand awareness on social media, as well as traffic to the site. Additionally, you will be creating social media content and maintaining a schedule of posting on social media sites.
From the company:
“Dictionary.com is looking for a creative and motivated news junky to join our Marketing team as a Social Media Editor. This is a fast paced and dynamic environment, where you will be responsible for connecting Dictionary.com with emerging culture and trends and creatively bringing them to life through Twitter. The right candidate will be a passionate and strategic self-starter who’s willing and able to put Dictionary.com on the map as an influential, thought provoking brand engaged with current culture and news.”
Requirements (from work-at-home job listing):
- 3+ years of experience creating and executing social media, PR, and/or marketing strategies
- Understanding of Gen Z and Millennial culture norms
- Healthy obsession with current news and culture
- An innate curiosity about language and how it intersects with the human experience
- Excellent written and verbal communications skills
- Hands-on experience publishing to Twitter
- Relationships with Press and influencers a plus
- Demonstrated track record of driving social and audience development through social networks
- Ability to work with minimal supervision and run with ideas
- Ability to think strategically and creatively under tight deadlines
- Applicant must provide portfolio or examples of work
Compensation for this work at home position is $15 to $17 per hour.
If interested in this home-based position, please see the original work at home employment listing. Good luck!