Hourly Wage to Annual Salary Calculator

It helps to have an hourly wage to annual salary calculator to help you reach your income goals! When you work from home as a freelancer, it's sometimes difficult to know what to charge for your services. If you have an idea of the annual salary you need, you can then calculate what you need to make per hour to reach your desired salary. For instance, say you need to make around $31,000 per … [Read more...]

Freelancers: How Much is Enough to Meet Your Goals?

  Freelancers often find it difficult to know what to charge for their time, especially when they're just starting out. Do you charge the going rate in your part of the country, or do you average the going rate across the country? Do you charge according to your level of experience? Or maybe you take all of these factors into consideration when deciding what to charge. It's more … [Read more...]

Mischa Communications Seeking Freelancers in Variety of Niches

Mischa Communications is seeking experienced freelance copywriters, graphic artists, web developers, social media gurus, and marketing experts on a work-at-home basis. Requirements (from job listing): One year of freelance or relevant industry experience. A portfolio of inspirational copywriting, copyediting, graphic arts, social media, marketing, web development or branding projects. … [Read more...]

Work-at-Home: Freelance Writing Jobs with LIVESTRONG.com

LIVESTRONG.com is currently seek work-at-home freelance health and nutrition writers to create 300 to 500-word articles in the areas of health, nutrition, and fitness.  Compensation is $20 per article, and payment is twice a week via PayPal. You must have demonstrated experience in the subjects of fitness, healthy lifestyle, diet, and nutrition, and you must be an excellent writer.  For more … [Read more...]